The TrustCenterSendToSignEx() function sends a document with a list of signers to AMODIT Trust Center. This function accepts PDF document or a list of PDF documents in a ZIP archive.
Function arguments
- actionObject – (Object) an action object argument contains the following fields/properties:
- Document,
- DocumentName,
- DocumentDescription,
- Language,
- Creator,
- SignerList,
- RequireEmailCodeToOpenDocument,
- RequireSMSCodeToOpenDocument,
- AllowSimpleSignature,
- AllowSMSSignature,
- SequentialSigning,
- AllowToAddNewSigners;
Description of each property:
- actionObject.Creator – (Object) an object containing informations about a creator of sign request, these are: FirstName, LastName, Email, CreatorId;
- actionObject.SignerList – (ObjectList) a list of signers required to sign the document, each signer should have the following properties:
- FirstName,
- LastName,
- Email,
- Phone.
- Not required properties are:
- Role – accepted values are: „SIGNER” (default), „INITIALER”, „OBSERVER”, „REPRESENTATIVE”),
- Company,
- CompanyRole,
- SignOrder (number),
- SignerExternalId (external ID of the person),
- Password – a password to decrypt the signed document that is sent to the signer via email. If the password is not set, the document is sent unencrypted;
- actionObject.Document – (File) a document to be signed. May be: name of the document, id of the document, field name from which document will be taken;
- actionObject.Language – (String) [optional] a language culture for: emails, a signature card and UI language. If not provided, English is used by default. Correct language format is as follows: 'en-US’;
- actionObject.RequireEmailCodeToOpenDocument – (Boolean) [optional] requires email code to open document;
- actionObject.RequireSMSCodeToOpenDocument – (Boolean) [optional] requires SMS code to open document;
- actionObject.AllowSimpleSignature – (Boolean) [optional] allows to make simple signature, no SMS code required;
- actionObject.AllowSMSSignature – (Boolean) [optional] allows to make SMS signature;
- actionObject.AllowHandwrittenSignature – (Boolean) [optional] allows to make handwritten signature;
- actionObject.AllowHandwrittenSignatureWithSMS – (Boolean) [optional] allows to make handwritten signature with additional SMS code;
- actionObject.AllowQualifiedSignature – (Boolean) [optional] allows to make qualified signature (deprecated);
- actionObject.AllowIdCardSignature – (Boolean) [optional] allows to make signature using eDowód;
- actionObject.AllowSimplySignSignature – (Boolean) [optional] allows to make signature using SimplySign;
- actionObject.AllowToAddNewSigners – (Boolean) [optional] allows to add new users in Trust Center;
- actionObject.AllowToReplaceSigners – (Boolean) [optional] allows to replace signers in Trust Center;
- actionObject.AllowToEditSigners – (Boolean) [optional] allows to edit signers in Trust Center;
- actionObject.ShowPhoneNumberInSignature – (Boolean) [optional] shows phone number on the signature card;
- actionObject.PartialSigning – (Boolean) [optional] a partial signing allows to control signature process on Amodit side. Check desciptions of „TrustCenterAddNewSigners()” and „TrustCenterFinishSigning()” rule functions;
- actionObject.SequentialSigning – (Boolean) [optional] turns on sequential signing which allows to set signatures in specified order; next signaure can be added if previous signer signed document. This option is not allowed when sending multiple documents in ZIP archive;
- actionObject.SendingNotifications – (Decimal) [optional] if greater than zero then reminders are enabled and a reminder will be sent after specified number of days;
- actionObject.SigningPeriod – (DateWithTime) [optional] if greater than current date then the document must be signed before that date. Otherwise signature process will be blocked;
- actionObject.DocumentSigningLinkDelivery – (String) [optional] the option determines whether the document-signing-link should be sent directly to the signer (if the option is not set, by default) or not sent (any non-empty value is set) and then, for example, an external system can fetch links via TrustCenter API depending on the value of the option;
- actionObject.AdditionalJsonData – (String) [optional] the option allows to store additional data in JSON format;
- actionObject.RetentionDate – (DateNoTime) [optional] specifies a date after which PDF documents will be deleted from Trust Center;
- actionObject.DisableCreatorEmails – (Boolean) [optional] disables all emails sent to document creator (sender);
- actionObject.DisableFinishedSignatureEmails – (Boolean) [optional] disables emails sent after the signature process is finished;
- actionObject.RejectedDocumentDescription – (String) [optional] sets description for rejected documents;
- actionObject.CallbackRule – (String) [optional] a manual rule or function-type rule to be fired after certain actions like successfull signature.
Return value
This function returns NULL.
In case something went wrong, an exception would be thrown. Please take a look at try and catch block instruction to handle exceptions.
Example 1
//main data, a document to be signed is stored in "Pdf file" document-type field request.Document=[Pdf file]; request.DocumentName="Umowa nr 1234"; request.DocumentDescription="Umowa do podpisania"; request.Language="pl-PL"; // sending person creator.FirstName="Jan" creator.LastName="Kowalski" creator.Email="" creator.CreatorId = 2 request.Creator = creator; // a list of signers signer1.FirstName="John"; signer1.LastName="Smith"; signer1.Email=""; signer1.Phone = 12343232; signer1.Role="SIGNER"; signer2.FirstName="Anna"; signer2.LastName="Malinowska"; signer2.Email=""; signer2.Phone = 875019238; signer2.Role="REPRESENTATIVE"; signerList = "" AddObjectToList(signerList, signer1); AddObjectToList(signerList, signer2); request.SignerList = signerList; // security options request.RequireEmailCodeToOpenDocument=true; request.RequireSMSCodeToOpenDocument=true; // other options request.AllowSimpleSignature=false; request.AllowSMSSignature=true; request.SequentialSigning=true; request.AllowToAddNewSigners=false; request.AllowHandWrittenSignature=false; request.AllowHandWrittenSignatureWithSMS=true; request.AllowQualifiedSignature=true; request.AllowToReplaceSigners=true; request.AllowIdCardSignature=false; request.ShowPhoneNumberInSignature=false; request.SendingNotyfications=5; request.RetentionDate=DateAdd("day", CurrentDateTime(), 60); request.DisableCreatorEmails=true; request.SigningPeriod=DateAdd("day", CurrentDateTime(), 30); // the function call try { result=TrustCenterSendToSignEx(request); } catch { ShowMessage(1,exception) }