

A Base64ToString() function decodes a provided base64 encoded string to its text value. A default encoding is UTF-8, but the function supports also ASCII, Unicode (UTF-16), UTF-32.


Base64ToString(base64String, encoding);

Function arguments

  • base64String – (String) a base64 encoded string to be decoded;
  • encoding – (String) [optional] an encoding of the provided string, supported values: UTF-8 (default), ASCII, UTF-16, Unicode, UTF-32.

Return value

This function returns string.
The Base64ToString() function returns the given decoded string as its text value.


Example 1

A „result” variable will contain a text „Amodit” from the given base64 encoded string with default UTF-8 encoding.

result = Base64ToString("QW1vZGl0");

Example 2

A „result” variable will contain a text „Amodit” from the given base64 encoded string with default UTF-16 (unicode) encoding.

result = Base64ToString("QQBtAG8AZABpAHQA", "UTF-16");

Example 3

A „result” variable will contain a text „Amodit” from the given base64 encoded string with default UTF-32 encoding.

result = Base64ToString("QQAAAG0AAABvAAAAZAAAAGkAAAB0AAAA", "UTF-32");


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