

The SetDateFilter() function locks the selection of dates in the given range for the date-type field.

See also remarks on using this function in the example no. 5 below.


SetDateFilter(dateTypefield, firstDate, secondDate, application);

Function arguments

  • dateTypefield – (String) a name of the date-type field on the case form;
  • firstDate – (String) the first date of the range;
  • secondDate – (String) [optional] the second date of the range;
  • application – (String) to which date range the filter should apply to. ALLOWED VALUES: [ „after”, „before”, „between”, „out of range „].

Return value

This function returns Boolean.
This function always returns true.


Example 1

This will disable the selection of dates before the date passed as an argument.

SetDateFilter("some date field", "2021-11-15", "after");

Example 2

This will disable the selection of dates after the date passed as an argument.

SetDateFilter("some date field", "2021-11-15", "before");

Example 3

This will disable the selection of dates between dates passed as agruments.

SetDateFilter("fieldName", "2021-11-15", "2021-11-22", "between");

Example 4

This will disable the selection of all dates except between dates passed as agruments.

SetDateFilter("fieldName", "2021-11-15", "2021-11-22", "out of range");

Example 5

As the best practice it is recommended to call SetDateFilter() function inside an automatic rule ([1] on the picture below), on the selected stage ([2]), and inside if(…) condition when the date-type field is empty ([3]).

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