

WARNING! AMODIT WebAPI (SOAP) is deprecated! You have to use the newest AMODIT REST API.

Class Documentation

AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI Class Reference

Public Member Functions

  • string AuthenticateUser ()

This method is used for authentication in system.

  • bool SetCaseAsExported (int caseID)

It’s marks object as exported to QNT.

  • void SetProcedureType (int prcId, int prcTypeId)

Sets type of specified AMODprocedure

  • void UpdateCaseField (int caseId, string FieldName, string fieldValue)

Updates specified case single field value

  • void UpdateCaseFields (int caseId, string[] fieldNames, string[] fieldsValues)

Updates specified case multiple fields values

  • void AddTableFieldToCase (int caseId, int formProcedureId, string tableStructureXml, string tableFieldName)

Adds table to case

  • void DeleteAllTableFieldRecords (int procedureWithTableFieldId, string tableFieldName)

Removes all rows from table placed in field with specified name in specified procedure (for every case)

  • void DeleteTableFieldRecordsConnectedToCase (int procedureWithTableFieldId, string tableFieldName, int caseId)

Removes all rows from table placed in field with specified name in specified procedure (for specified case)

  • DataTable GetProcedureForms (int prcId)

Gets all procedures connected to specified one, defined as a form

  • DataTable GetProcedureTableProcedures (int prcId)

Collects all procedures of specified procedure used to store table fields

  • string GetFormByFieldProcedureType (int caseId, int typeId)

Gets ID of form containing table with specified procedure type id on specified case form

  • DataTable GetProceduresByType (int typeId)

Used by QNT app in configuration options

  • DataSet GetCasesByTypeId (int typeId, int scheduleTypeId, string caseStatus, StringCollection fieldMapping, StringCollection fieldsToInclude)

This function is used by QNT for export application.

  • string GetCase (int caseId)

This method allow to access to single case by Id.

  • string GetCasesByFieldValue (string fieldName, string fieldValue)

Get case(s) id(s) by value in specified field.

  • string GetCaseIdByFieldValue (string fieldName, string fieldValue)

Gets id of the case by the value of specified field

  • string CloseCase (int caseId, string dateOfModification)

Closes specified case

  • string UpdateCase (int caseId, string dateOfModification, int paramId, String value)

Updates parameter with paramId with value in case with caseId

  • string SendCase (int caseId, int stageId, string dateOfModification, string userDescription, string comment)

Transfers (forwards) case to another user, possibly changing its state and adding a comment

  • string GetUserCases ()

This method gets all cases which are assigned to user.

  • string GetAMODEmail ()

This method gets AMODIT email address.

  • string UserEmailExists (string email)

Check if user with given e-mail address exists.

  • string GetCurrentUserEmails ()

Get all (possibly 4) e-mail addresses for the currently authenticated user.

  • string CaseForward (int caseId, string email, string comment)

Adds user specified by email adress to specified case as CC.

  • string CaseAddAttachment (int caseId, string name, byte[] value)

Adds attachment to specified case.

  • string CaseAddComment (int caseId, string comText)

This method adds comment to specified case.

  • string CaseAddUser (int caseId, string ccEmail, bool addCCnotContrib, string comment)

Adds specified users as CC or Contribuitors. If needed, creates new user account and sends invite email.

  • string CreateCase (string procedureTitle, string startingStateTitle, string caseTitle)

This method creates a new case.

  • byte[] FindCase (int caseId, string caseTitle, string procedureTitle, int limit)

This method gets a list of cases matching given filter.

  • string GetMostUsedProceduresForCurrentUser (int rowLimit)

This method gets a list of the most used procedures for currently authenticated user.

  • string GetMostUsedProcedures (int userId, int rowLimit)

This method gets a list of the most used procedure for specified user.

  • string GetProcedure (string title)

This method gets a procedure which name matches specified string.

  • string GetProcedureSchemaByTitle (string procedureTitle)

Gets procedure schema for procedure that name matches specified string

  • string GetProcedureSchema (int procedureId)

Gets procedure schema by procedure id

  • string GetProcedures (string prefixText, int maxProcedures)

This method gets a list of procedure names matching specified string.

  • string GenerateDefaultTitle (string prcTitle)

This method returns default case title for given procedure name.

  • string GetUser (int userId)

Gets user info

  • string ForwardCase (int caseId, string stage, string user, bool ignoreRestrictions, bool sendEmail)

Forwards case to specified user.

  • void LogToAMODLog (string message, string callStack)

Logs specified message and callstack to AMOD Logs



Member Function Documentation

void AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.AddTableFieldToCase (int  caseId, int  formProcedureId, string  tableStructureXml, string  tableFieldName)


Adds table to case


caseId Id of the case
formProcedureId Form procedure id
tableStructureXml New table’s structure in XML format
tableFieldName New field’s name

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.AuthenticateUser ()


This method is used for authentication in system.



If authentication is successfully, method returns GUID. If authentication is failure method returns description of error.

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.CaseAddAttachment (int  caseId, string  name, byte[]  value)


Adds attachment to specified case.


caseId Id of the case
name Name of the attachment
value Attachment content

Empty string if success, otherwise appropriate messsage

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.CaseAddComment (int  caseId, string  comText)


This method adds comment to specified case.


caseId Id of the case
comText Comment content

Empty string if success, otherwise appropriate messsage

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.CaseAddUser (int  caseId, string  ccEmail, bool  addCCnotContrib, string  comment)


Adds specified users as CC or Contribuitors. If needed, creates new user account and sends invite email.


caseId The id of the case
ccEmail Email list, separated by ’;’
addCCnotContrib True if users are to be added as CC, false if as CON
comment Additional comment

Empty string if successful, appropriate message otherwise

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.CaseForward (int  caseId, string  email, string  comment)


Adds user specified by email adress to specified case as CC.


caseId Id of the case
email Email of user to be added as CC.
comment Additional comment to be added to the case.

Empty string if successful, appropriate message otherwise

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.CloseCase (int  caseId, string  dateOfModification)


Closes specified case


caseId Id of the case
dateOfModification Last date of case modification

XML formatted response, indicating wheter operation was successful or not

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.CreateCase (string  procedureTitle, string  startingStateTitle, string  caseTitle)


This method creates a new case.


procedureTitle Name of existing or to be created procedure
startingStateTitle Name of starting stage
caseTitle Name of created case

XML file with case Id, otherwise appropriate message

void AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.DeleteAllTableFieldRecords (int  procedureWithTableFieldId, string  tableFieldName)


Removes all rows from table placed in field with specified name in specified procedure (for every case)


procedureWithTableFieldId Id of the procedure containing table field
tableFieldName Name of the field containing table

void AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.DeleteTableFieldRecordsConnectedToCase (int  procedureWithTableFieldId, string  tableFieldName, int  caseId)


Removes all rows from table placed in field with specified name in specified procedure (for specified case)


procedureWithTableFieldId Id of the procedure containing table field
tableFieldName Name of the field containing table
caseId Id of the case containing table

byte [] AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.FindCase (int  caseId, string  caseTitle, string  procedureTitle, int  limit)


This method gets a list of cases matching given filter.


caseId case identifier
caseTitle case title filter
procedureTitle procedure title filter
limit maximum number of cases returned

Compressed XML file with list of cases.

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.ForwardCase (int  caseId, string  stage, string  user, bool  ignoreRestrictions, bool  sendEmail)


Forwards case to specified user.


caseId Id of the case to be forwarded
stage Stage to be changed to
user User login to whom the case is to be forwarded to
ignoreRestrictions True if case should be forwarded despite restrictions, false otherwise
sendEmail True if notification email should be sent, false otherwise

Empty string on success, otherwise an appropriate message

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GenerateDefaultTitle (string  prcTitle)


This method returns default case title for given procedure name.


prcTitle procedure title

XML file with default case title.

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetAMODEmail ()


This method gets AMODIT email address.



XML file with an email address.

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetCase (int  caseId)


This method allow to access to single case by Id.



XML file with description of parameters from AMODCase

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetCaseIdByFieldValue (string  fieldName, string  fieldValue)


Gets id of the case by the value of specified field


fieldName specified field name
fieldValue specified field value

id of first case with the value in the field, when no cases found returns -1

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetCasesByFieldValue (string  fieldName, string  fieldValue)


Get case(s) id(s) by value in specified field


fieldName Specified field name
fieldValue value in field

string with ids (separated with comma) of cases containing the specified field with the given value

DataSet AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetCasesByTypeId (int  typeId, int  scheduleTypeId, string  caseStatus, StringCollection  fieldMapping, StringCollection  fieldsToInclude)


This function is used by QNT for export application.



Dataset object

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetCurrentUserEmails ()


Get all (possibly 4) e-mail addresses for the currently authenticated user.



Xml file with list of e-mail addresses.

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetFormByFieldProcedureType (int  caseId, int  typeId)


Gets ID of form containing table with specified procedure type id on specified case form


caseId Id of the case to search on
typeId Id of table form procedure

Id of table form procedure, or -1 when not found

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetMostUsedProcedures (int  userId, int  rowLimit)


This method gets a list of the most used procedure for specified user.


userId The id of the user
rowLimit Maximum number of returned procedures

XML file with list of the most used procedure names, ids and information if user can add new stages.

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetMostUsedProceduresForCurrentUser (int  rowLimit)


This method gets a list of the most used procedures for currently authenticated user.



XML file with list of the most used procedure names, ids and information if user can add new stages.

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetProcedure (string  title)


This method gets a procedure which name matches specified string.


title The title to be matched

XML file with basic procedure parameters.

DataTable AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetProcedureForms (int  prcId)


Gets all procedures connected to specified one, defined as a form


prcId id of specified procedure

DataTable obiect containing all form procedures

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetProcedures (string  prefixText, int  maxProcedures)


This method gets a list of procedure names matching specified string.


maxProcedures Maxiumum number of returned procedures

XML file with list of procedure names and ids.

DataTable AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetProceduresByType (int  typeId)


Used by QNT app in configuration options


typeId Id of type

DataTable with all active procedures of specified type

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetProcedureSchema (int  procedureId)


Gets procedure schema by procedure id


procedureId The id of the procedure

XML formatted list of procedure parameters

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetProcedureSchemaByTitle (string  procedureTitle)


Gets procedure schema for procedure that name matches specified string


procedureTitle The name to match

XML formatted list of procedure parameters

DataTable AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetProcedureTableProcedures (int  prcId)


Collects all procedures of specified procedure used to store table fields


prcId specified procedure id

DataTable with table procedures

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetUser (int  userId)


Gets user info


userId Id of the user

XML formatted user property list

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.GetUserCases ()


This method gets all cases which are assigned to user.



XML file with ful description of Cases which are assigned to user. List of all cases with list of comments and descriptions of main form.

void AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.LogToAMODLog (string  message, string  callStack)


Logs specified message and callstack to AMOD Logs


message The message to be logged
callStack The call stack to be logged

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.SendCase (int  caseId, int  stageId, string  dateOfModification, string  userDescription, string  comment)


Transfers (forwards) case to another user, possibly changing its state and adding a comment


caseId Id of the case to be forwarded
stageId Id of the stage to be changed to
dateOfModification Last date of modification in „yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss” format
userDescription Login of the user to whom the case is to be forwarded
comment Value of the comment to be added

Operation summary in xml form

bool AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.SetCaseAsExported (int  caseID)


It’s marks object as exported to QNT.


caseID Id number of case

True if case was set, false otherwise.

void AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.SetProcedureType (int  prcId, int  prcTypeId)


Sets type of specified AMODprocedure


prcId specified procedure id
prcTypeId specified type id

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.UpdateCase (int  caseId, string  dateOfModification, int  paramId, String  value)


Updates parameter with paramId with value in case with caseId


caseId Id of the case where the field is to be updated
dateOfModification Last date of modification in „yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss” format
paramId Id of parameter to be updated
value New value to be set

Update summary in xml form

void AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.UpdateCaseField (int  caseId, string  FieldName, string  fieldValue)

Updates specified case single field value


caseId Id of AMOD Case containing field to be updated
FieldName Name of the field to be updated
fieldValue New field value

void AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.UpdateCaseFields (int  caseId, string[]  fieldNames, string[]  fieldsValues)

WARNING! This function is a little bit deprecated. Use UpdateCaseFields2() instead.

Updates specified case multiple fields values


caseId Id of AMOD Case containing field to be updated
fieldNames Names of the fields to be updated
fieldsValues New fields values

void AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.UpdateCaseFields2 (int  caseId, string[]  fieldNames, string[]  fieldsValues)

WARNING! It is highly recommended to use this function.

Updates specified case multiple fields values

caseId Id of AMOD Case containing field to be updated
fieldNames Names of the fields to be updated
fieldsValues New fields values

Update status in XML form: UpdateCaseFields2_response.


If there is a document type field on the case form, you can also send a file with its name and content (Base64 encoded) while using this method. In the fieldsValues parameter you should add the following XML code:

       <string>a file name;Base64 encoded content</string>

string AMODWebApp.webservice.AMODWebAPI.UserEmailExists (string  email)


Check if user with given e-mail address exists.


email E-mail address to be searched for

„true” if user exists or „false” otherwise

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